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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  December 17, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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wind and rain right now. it's shaping up to be not only an active week but a very cold week. it's time now for the ktvu channel 2 morning news. good morning, to you. welcome to monday, it's december 17th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. thank you for waking up with us. i want to check in with steve. rain coming in. how long will we see this? >> through the morning here. but then it will get really cold. tomorrow. not today. today is warm. mild to warm compared to last
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week. light rain continues. just kind of what we call coming in west to east and it's very mild warm sector. look for morning rain. snow up on the mountains and today's highs very mild. 50s and 60s. here is sal. northbound 280 traffic looks good. as steve mentioned it will be wet for the morning commute. traffic is okay so far in the south bay. also looking at the commute here on oil westbound, you can -- on 80 westbound, you can see traffic is light but it is wet. let's go back to the desk. on sunday more than 2,000 people came together for memorial service to remember the 26 lives cut short after the deadly school shooting in connecticut. >> we offer you our tears and our pain, our anger and our sorrow. >> president obama traveled to newtown where he met with the families with the victims and spoke at the service. he read the names of the 20 children who were killed. and he says he's going to do everything possible to prevent shootings like this one from happening again.
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>> here in newtown, i come to offer the love and prayers of a nation. i am very mindful that your words cannot match the depth of your sorrow. nor can they heal your wounded hearts. >> outside the school and around newtown, there are memorials, candles, and teddy bears left by people who have traveled miles to honor the victims. >> the school massacre in connecticut has reignited the gun control debate. coming up at 5:15 what california senator dianne feinstein says about new legislation she will introduce next month. the connecticut shooting has made bay area parents fear for their own children in schools right here. ktvu tara moriarty live in san francisco now to tell us how school officials are taking precautions to make sure schools and children are safe. tara. >> reporter: many schools have
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fences like the one you see behind me that are designed to keep visitors out. they ask people to go to the office and register. but if they don't and someone means harm it's questionable how far people will go. california superintendent discusses new metal detectors. he has alerted all 1100 public school districts to review safety plans. >> try to minimize the risk as best you can. but we can't live in fear and have every school be a closed fortress of some kind. it's a place of learning. >> reporter: some parents argue that adding more security won't keep someone from entering a school. pointing out that sandy hook elementary had a locked door into the school but the gunman shot his way through it. >> school had security. had extra security. more than her school does. >> you still need to be free to roam and there are children. but adults need to be more
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aware. >> reporter: now as important as security, the superintendent says is awareness entreing which may have saved lives in connecticut. after the columbine killings schools started doing un-- you can expect those to increase. and coming up we'll tell you how students at this private school in san francisco are planning to honor the victims at sandy hook elementary school. live from san francisco i'm tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. overnight a strange rescue in san francisco. a man was stuck inside a chimney. ktvu allie rasmus has detile -- details of this unusual rescue. >> reporter: firefighters don't know how this man ended up in the chimney of this apartment building. that is one of the things they are looking into as part of the investigation. but it was around 11:30 last night when there were numerous fire trucks parked outside here. a lot of the residents gathered in the lobby trying to figure what the commotion was about.
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someone called the fire department to report hearing a man stuck in the chimney. it took alittle while but they were able to make contact with the man. he was conscious and they pulled him out of that chimney. >> we had to break some of the bricks to remove enough bricks to get him out. >> reporter: as you heard firefighters had to use special tools to break the bricks of the chimney to rescue the man. they showed us some of the tools. the man's vital signs were good. they rushed him to the hospital. now they will have to look into the question why he was stuck in the chimney in the first place. he didn't appear to have fallen in, he was stuck in the middle. that is part of the investigation that firefighters and police will try to answer. live in san francisco allie rasmus. one person is dead after being hit by a train in
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hayward. that happened at 8:00 last night. it's not clear if the train involved was a passenger or freight train. now the investigation is still under way but police think it may be a suicide. time is 5:05. a richmond man will be formally sentenced to death today for shooting his girlfriend and another man in 2009. during his trial last month nathan burres repeatedly said he had no remorse and preferred the death sentence instead of life in prison. he killed his exgirlfriend and golden gate transit driver because he was jealous over their relationship. also today a hearing is scheduled for the san rafael man accused of shooting at a couple in mill valley and stealing a luxury car. lawyer for 18-year-old max wade is expected to argue there is no connection between the two alleged crimes and they should not be included in the same
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complaint. prosecutors say wade stole the lamborghini to impress a girl. prices are down about a penny compared to yesterday. as usual san jose and santa rosa have the lowest. that is down more than a quarter in the last month. if you have gas in your car, just drive carefully. sal would prefer you drive carefully and safe this monday morning. >> dave, you said it absolutely correct. you've got to be a little slow because of the wet roads. that is right. we have more problems when there is wet weather. so let's take a look at what we have now. still relatively early and light. we don't have that many things going on on westbound 80 just yet. but i think we're kind of preparing for one of those mornings. we will be here with you and giving you complete traffic information so just check with
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us before you leave the house. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza here. it's still rather light. we had just a brunch of fender benders that have been minor muff enough to be on the shoulder. the morning commute looks good. it's 5:07 let's go to steve. thank you, sir. we do have a lot of kind of a warm sector coming in. a lot of this is very light rain. it's still there. light rain in the morning. very windy as well. temperatures in the 50s. some of the rain you can see them it's not all showing up on radar. from lake county more clouds than anything else. some of the rain again it's raining here but radar beams go right over the top of it. back into napa county and stretching to parking lots of marin county and sonoma county. there is nothing too heavy here. starting to pick up a little bit down toward fremont, also over oakland. just again a light mist or light rain. it's rather steady and today will be a very mild day. we will focus our attention to
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the north on very cold air coming in for tuesday into wednesday morning. 50s on the temps. i mean mid 50s. that southeast wind in advance of that. instead of single digits in the mountains they have mild conditions there. snow level has gone way up. system that is going through now is hard to see much. most of it is to the north. we will go from mild to very windy and warm. and then temperatures will drop off the table. starting tuesday into wednesday. we'll get a little bit of a break rain wise. and everything cranks up thursday right into sunday and maybe monday. windy with morning rain. very mild. partly sunny and partly cloudy. breezy. 60s on the temps. our high temps may be set here very early in the morning. throughout the day some of the cooler air will begin to move in. colder and windy on tuesday. really cold on wednesday morning. clouds roll in thursday. it looks like rain and snow in the mountains. all the way friday into the weekend. >> thank you, steve. up in the sierra snow continues to come down with a
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winter storm warning in effect through tonight. i want to take you up there live to interstate 80. this is near the truckee scales where the snow has been falling up a night. up to 16 inches of snow is expected to fall at higher elevations from this storm. the mountains already have a pretty big snow pack so far this year. good news for the ski resorts. remember you can always check the weather where you live including a look at the live radar. just go to our website and click on the weather tab. our time 5:09. shedding light on benghazi. what will happen today that could explain a lot about what happened during that deadly attack on the osteogens lat in libya. you probably know parking in san francisco any tourously expensive. but there is a way to save money. westbound highway 4 this traffic looks good but it's wet all over the bay area. we'll be back with more traffic and weather. every time someone chooses finish over cascade,
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welcome back. 5:12. secretary of state hillary clinton ordered that investigation by the advisory review board. it's said to be the most detailed explanation yet about the attack that killed chris steven and three other americans. congress will be briefed on that report on wednesday. s buzz is growing as early as next week president obama
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may nominate john kerry to be the next secretary of state. that is after susan rice withdrew her name from consideration. it's expected if kerry is nominated he would be easily approved by his fellow senators. kerry is 69 years old. he would replace hillary clinton who does plan to step down soon. a threat against an elementary school in indiana was made before the sandy hook elementary massacre. a man is behind bars in connection with that threat. the 60-year-old was arrested over the weekend. police say he threatened to set his wife on fire. he then said he was going to enter an elementary school near his home and kill as many people as he could before police arrived. police found 47 guns inside his home. the connecticut shooting has led to renewed calls to gun control laws. as kyla campbell reports dianne feinstein is is leading the way. >> reporter: pam, senator
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feinstein took to the sunday morning tv shows vowing to ban assault weapons. now that we have learned the shooter in friday's deadly attack had an assault rifle, feinstein says it's her top priority in the new year and plans to reintroduce a bill next month. senator feinstein led the charge back in 1994 when president clinton signed a ban on assault rifles but that expired in 2004 and they have not been able to renew the ban. >> is this the way we want america to go? in other words the rights of the fur overcome -- of the few overcome the safety of the majority. >> president obama signaled he would support a change but some lawmakers say gun rights are vital to americans. more on that in my next update. live in washington kyla campbell. >> stay with us here for continuing coverage of the connecticut school shooting. we will bring you the latest details as they emerge on air and online. time is 5:14.
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the port of oakland is making reforms following the ktvu investigation of questionable spending of public money. it will set spending rules and punish managers that approve expenses that break the rules. they have found almost $200,000 in questionable spending last year. ktvu discovered two high ranking officials spent more than $4500 at a houston strip club in 2008. both of them have since stepped down. the police have a warning if you use a popular trail in the east bay. a woman claims she was raped while hiking on the ma drone trail in alamo. what they are doing to make sure people out there are safe. the fourth of july may never be the same in pacifica. the city is talking about banning all fire works. at this point they allow safe fire works. people light them on the beach typically on the fourth of july but they often don't clean up
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afterward. leftover debris gets carried out into the ocean. they are creating a task force to look into this issue. 5:15. it's getting cheaper to park in san francisco. at least in some areas. san francisco municipal transportation agency says its sf park meters are mart of the reason. the parking rate is adjusted based on demand and location for the new parking meters. the rates have dropped an average of 14 cents an hour. some are offering rates of less than $1 an hour. that is a lot less than rates of the old style parking meters that are still in use out there. the ones i get stuck on. >> yeah i never find the cheap ones either. 5:16 is the time. >> you're giving away my secret. i knew that. i look for the new meters because they are cheaper. >> you have to share that with all of us. that's your job. >> i just did. [ laughter ] let's take a look at the commute now. we are talking about this wet weather. it hasn't caused any major
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problems yet as we start off in contra costa county. on highway 4 traffic still looks good. and heading south to walnut creek and people drive from walnut creek to san ramon things look pretty good. and 24 is off to a nice start. let's move along and take a look at the commute here if you are driving at the bay bridge toll plaza there are no major problems. just looking a the the toll plaza traffic continues to look pretty good with the drive into san francisco looking good. checking the peninsula northbound 101 and 280 off to a nice start. let's say you're trying to get to the airport it looks good. wet weather out there. for more let's go to steve. we do have light rain going through. it's kind of a mix up in the sierra, nevada. lake tahoe kind of 36 and i think light snow there. truckee 36 and rain. snow is a little bit more of a
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bullish up to the north. it's kind of a zonal pattern and northeast. but really cold air is coming in tuesday. temperatures in the mid 50s. it's a very mild pattern in the morning. light rain. by this afternoon i think most of the rain ends. then we will go partly sunny and partly cloudy. breezy on the mild side. from parts of lake county into napa county you can see light rain. st. helena a little bit there. also stretching from about napa back over to parts of marin county there is nothing too heavy here. a lot of the radar beam just doesn't pick up on this rain. especially san ramon and concord. and then also from about santa cruz mountains a little bit on the peninsula. nothing too heavy. it's all very light. 50s on the temps. really mild due to a strong southeast wind. temperatures today going up and it looks like tomorrow they will go down. this could be the warmest day of the week by far. this will continue the presip
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for the morning hours. windy, morning rain and partly sunny and partly cloudy. and breezy and on the mild side. highs in the 50s or low 60s. a lot of the high temps may be set by 11:00. colder much colder tuesday. really cold wednesday morning. and clouds roll in thursday and looks like a very unsettled pattern. >> thank you, steve. apple reports a strong start to the sale of the newest iphone in china. apple sold more than two million iphone fives during the first three days they were available. this is the first time apple has given sales numbers for an iphone. in overnight markets china closed with half a percent gain. japan's nikkei finished up 1% after weekend elections there spurred optimism about policy reforms. but rest of asia posted declines over concerns over the fiscal cliff here in the u.s.. speaking of the u.s.. right now futures indate a slightly mixed opening with a higher opening for the dow and
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s & p but the nasdaq may drop a little bit. right now the european markets most are trading lower as well. time now 5:20. the first public appearance for the duchess of cambridge since being treated for morning sickness. we have video of her first night out. also we'll take a look at the nurse who took her life after a radio station hoax involving the duchess. we'll tell you how she is being remembered. we'll tell you why some parents are threatening to sue over yoga classes in schools. you can wake up with ktvu every morning. get the mornings top stories that develop while you were sleeping sent straight to your cell phone every weekday morning 6:00 a.m.. get your ktvu wake up call by texting the word wakeup to 70123. w
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welcome back. kate middleton the duchess of cambridge made her first publish appearance since being treated for morning sickness. now there she is on the left. she has not been seen in public since leaving a hospital almost two weeks ago. she is in the early stages of her pregnancy. meantime thousands are expected today at the funeral in india for jacintha saldanha. she is the nurse that took her life after a radio station hoax at the very hospital where the duchess was being treated.
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saldanha hanged herself after taking a prank call from two australian disk jockeys. they apologized and never expected their phone call to be put through. six fishermen were rescued off the port of santa cruz. their 18-foot power boat started taking on water near greyhound rock. they wouldn't -- the coast guard said they wouldn't be able to reach them for an hour. police have stepped up patrols along a popular hiking trail in alamo after a woman reported being raped. she was walking on the trail last wednesday when someone came up from behind her and pulled her to the ground. she says the man sexually assaulted her and then ran off. >> we all sense when danger
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might be occurring and i tell people to trust that because it's usually correct. >> the attacker is described as a white man in his early 40s with short light brown hair about 5'10" and 180 pounds he was walking a brown and white dog. our time now 5:25. a school district plans to expand a yoga program even though parents are planning to sue. the school district started offering yoga to a few students to try to help the little students handle stress. some parents fear students are being treated eastern religious beliefs and now they are threatening lawsuits. the school districts says there is no religion involved here. yoga will be offered district wide in january. time now 5:25. let's check in with sal. the morning commute so wet, a little slippery, real slippery out there. >> that is right. it will be a tough drive. i think a lot of people watching this knowing the information will choose to leave a little early.
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we're watching all the major commutes for you starting in the south bay this time. northbound 280 looks good if you want to jump ahead of the crowd here. traffic is moving along pretty well. also on the sunol grade which tends to be when it's raining it tends to be a tough one. 680 still looks good. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. light steady rain continues. very mild. very windy as well. a lot of this rain not showing up on radar but it's there. it's low level stuff and it means temperatures held in the 50s. they will end up in the 50s and 60s. morning rain will give way to partly sunny and partly cloudy skies. kind of a windy and breezy. time now 5:26. new concerns about that chevron refinery fire in richmond. how the solution to fix the damaged pipe may be linked to another disaster. san francisco firefighters respond to an unusual call last night. the discovery they made in the chimney of an apartment building. plus today people in newtown, connecticut will be
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saying their final goodbyes to two of the young victims in friday's deadly shooting. hey, look! a shooting star! make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen.
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good morning to you. welcome back this this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. it is monday, december 17th i'm dave clark. >> and i'm pam cook. it's almost 5:30. steve is here to look at the rain. it will go with us. most of the week. rain all week. >> we have a lot going on this
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week. right now cloudy light rain misty but it's there. it will continue for the morning hours. and then temperatures because of the wind out of the southeast are really mild. we're in the 50s mid 50s highs today also mid 50s to low 60s. mor on this cold air coming in in seven minutes. we do have traffic on the roads because of the wet weather. it's going to be a little slower than normal. you haven't had a lot of crashes. we've had cars break down. this is a look at 880. and the morning commute looks good on the san mateo bridge heads out to the peninsula. let's go back to dave and pam. in the news this morning today two of the young victims in friday's deadly school shooting will be laid to rest. funerals are planned for noah pozner and jack pinto. jack was a big fan of victor cruz. yesterday during the giant's
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game cruz wore jack's name on his uniform in his honor. noah is the youngest victim. he just turned six years old a couple weeks ago. several more funerals are planned throughout this week. president obama flew to newtown, connecticut yesterday meeting with the victim's families and with the first responders. >> we can't tolerate this anymore. these tragedies must end. >> the president said he doesn't believe enough is being done to protect young people in this country. coming up we'll bring you a live report from newtown, connecticut with a look at the president's visit there and more on the unanswered questions the police are still trying to answer. california superintendent expects new discussions on school safety following friday's deadly shooting. all 1100 school districts in the state are being told to review their safety plans. many schools are considering putting new security measures into place. including cameras, guards,
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fences, and in some cases metal detectors. >> we can't live in fear and have every school be a closed fortress of some kind. it's a place of learning. >> some parents argue that adding more security won't keep someone from entering a school. pointing out that sandy hook elementary had a locked door into the school but the gunman shot his way through it. a local church is ing an interface service tonight to reflect on last week's tragedy. the service will be at 7:00 at first presbyterian church. it's at 1500 easton drive. local religious leaders will attend the service which will include prayers, reading and expressions of remembrance and hope. san francisco fight fears did something very strange. they made a very unusual rescue. allie rasmus is in san francisco where a man was stuck inside of a chimney. what happened? >> reporter: it's as stage as it sounds.
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it was late last night where outside this apartment building on clay there were a number of fire trucks and emergency response vehicles after firefighters responded to an unusual call. a report about a man stuck in the chimney inside the building. firefighters looking to see where this man was. trying to figure out how they were going to get him out. we don't know if he was a resident or stuck in the chimney in the first place. firefighters did have to use special tools to break some of the bricks of the chimney and slowly pull the man out. >> i'm not sure exactly how he entered into the fireplace. we'll find that out. >> reporter: now firefighters say when they rescued the man he was conscious. his vital signs were good. they took him by ambulance to a nearby hospital. as they heard the fire battalion chief say the next question they have to answer is why and how did this man get stuck in the chimney. he didn't really fall in. he was kind of stuck in the
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middle. that is an investigation police will have to follow up on today. live in san francisco i'm allie rasmus. time now 5:33. right now power lines are down and they are blocking part of a major road in the north bay. part of the silver are doe trail or highway 101 in napa will be closed until 7:00 this morning. it shut down all the lanes in both directions near stone crest drive. expect delays in that area. san francisco police continue to search for whoever shot and killed a teenager in the bay view district. the 18-year-old was shot at 10:00 saturday night on osceola lane. the man was driven to the hospital by a friend where he was pronounced dead. his name has not been released. we are still waiting to learn the identity of a man's body that was discovered along a shoreline. park police were notified of the body at about 11:30 yesterday morning. authorities have not said whether the body could be that
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of a 77-year-old man that went missing last week. some new safety concerns about chevron's refinery in richmond. remember that fire that sent thousands of people to the hospital a couple months ago. chevron wants to replace the carbon steel pipe the one that failed in august. they want to replace it with acromiallied pipe. however, the u.s. chemical safety board says that kind of pipe led to a fire at a washington state refinery. the richmond city council will debate this issue tomorrow. chevron meantime warns it may have to lay off about 600 employees if its plans are not approved by thursday. there are signs of progress in the fiscal cliff debate. house speaker john boehner is now offering to accept a tax increase on people making more than $1 million a year. that falls ort of president obama's call to raise tax rates on people with incomes of more than $250,000. and we are now hearing the december 31st deadline may not be the end of the road
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afterall. >> if we go a few weeks into january it's not the worst things. americans shouldn't panic about this. >> boehner's offer is to raise income tax rates is contingent upon medicare rates. starting at 9:00 a.m. today thousands of south bay families will get free holiday meals. they will bro b provided by sacred heart community service in san jose. they will be providing those meals. look at the food out there. workers and volunteers say they fed a record amount of families for thanksgiving and plan to do the same thing this week. >> we are expecting around 3,200 families that have signed up. we hope to not turn anybody away that has come in. >> the first meals will begin handed out at 9:00 a.m.. it will continue tomorrow an
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wednesday morning. next week they plan to pass out toys but think still don't have enough. if you want to donate go to look for the words sacred heart under ktvu web links. we want to go back over to sal to check in on traffic. >> the wet weather will make it tough for us driving today. we will be watching. we haven't had a lot of major crashes. just a bunch of minor ones. as we look at the pictures you can see it's clearly wet. we did have a stalled vehicle. that is why traffic will be a little busier. even though that stall has been removed. you can see traffic is busy now heading out to the mccarthur maze. bay bridge toll plaza we still have a big delay. you can clearly see our camera is wet. if you are trying to catch a flight to sfo 101 looks good. highway 1 it's already busy. let's two to steve. thank you, sal. for the morning hours light rain. a lot of it not showing up on
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radar. it's cloudy and windy. wind really picked up. seems to be dying down a little bit. some of the higher elevations light rain. breezy and mild by this afternoon. there still could be hit and miss light rain. also snow up in the sierra nevada for some. it's on a mix of rain and snow. tahoe and truckee saying light rain or light snow. when it's 36 degrees it's mostly rain. rain will continue. this is more of a fast zonal flow coming in. things seem to be winding down a little bit there. picking up at ma rain county. or at least it was. san rafael, mill valley, also up to novato. also sunol grade. what is new? alamo. san ramon. over to danville. a little bit again this could be a lot steadier. more drizzly. it doesn't show up on radar. what is showing up on radar is what is moving into santa cruz mountain.
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things are highway 127 and highway 1. so 50s on the temps. that southeast winds has brought the temps up. really cold air is coming in starting tomorrow and going into tuesday night. windy, mild rain. again kind of a breezy partly sunny partly cloudy day. 50s to low 60s on the temps. this will probably be the warmest day of the week. colder on wednesday. then the whole pattern sets up for what looks to be clouds, rain. maybe little break on friday and then the heavy rain comes in on saturday. cyclone evan is now heading south. roads and bridges were washed out. thousands of people have been evacuated. so far no deaths have been reported but the cyclone killed at least four people in samoa the day before. the 49ers are in the playoffs. >> isn't that something?
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>> we will show you more of how they held off the new england patriots after they made a furious comeback. violent attacks happened overnight in pakistan and afghanistan. westbound 24 as you dave between walnut creek and oakland some wet weather. we'll be back with more. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age.
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in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. we are tracking developing news of a home invasion that happened in san francisco at about 2:00 this morning. police tell us here at ktvu news that three masked men entered a home on slowed avenue in the sunset district. tied people up, robbed them, and then ran off. ktvu channel 2 reporter brian flores is gathering new information .us right now.
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he will have an update on this home invasion story in san francisco coming up at 6:00. time now 5:42. more coverage on the deadly shooting. president obama is demanding action to keep children safe. rene marsh is live in connecticut with details on how some of the victims will be remembered today. rene. >> reporter: dave, we will start the first set of funerals for the victim's today. just last night the president here this is the front page of the local paper. you see the president his hands in that prayer position. he was pretty much playing the role of comforting and chief for all of those family members who lost loved ones inside sandy hook elementary school. the nation continues to mourn the lives lost in the connecticut school shooting. today the first funerals will be held for two sandy hook students. six-year-old jack pinto and six-
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year-old noah pozner. >> we'll never forget. never. >> reporter: on sunday more than 2,000 people came out for a memorial service to remember the 26 lives cut short after authorities say 20-year-old adam lanza shot his way into sandy hook elementary and opened fire. >> we offer you our tears and pain. our anger and our sorrow. >> reporter: president obama traveled to newtown where he met with the family's of the victims and spoke at the service. >> whatever portion of sadness that we can share with you to ease this heavy load, we will gladly bare it. >> reporter: the president praised the community for pulling together and said more needs to be done to protect our children. >> these tragedies must end. and to end them we must change. >> reporter: well, dave, for many of the lawmakers the
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shooting here in newtown, connecticut really the tipping point. one example democratic senator from california dianne feinstein saying next month she plans on introducing a bill that would ban assault weapons. and as far as the investigation goes, it's still ongoing. investigators are still processing the crime scene inside of the school. dave. >> rene marsh live from newtown, connecticut. we don't know yet when sandy hook elementary school will reopen or if it will. when the kids come back they will go to an unused school in a town seven miles south of newtown. that school will be ready to open by wednesday but no date has been set for children to resume class. and police officers will be stationed at that school. one school official says he doubts students will ever go back to sandy hook elementary again. make sure you stay right here with ktvu for continuing coverage of the connecticut school shooting. we'll bring you all the latest information as they emerge on air and online. at least two afghan workers
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were killed and 15 more injured in a suicide attack overnight outside the compound of a u.s. military contractor in afghanistan. the taliban has claimed responsibility for the car bombing outside the compound for contract. now contract is a virginia based company that builds barics for military bases. ten young girls were also killed today by a land mine in another part of the country. at least 17 people were killed and dozens others wounded in an explosion in northwest pakistan today. no one has claimed responsibility for the car bombing there. it was outside a government office in pakistan's northwest tribal region. but the area is known to house several known militant groups. pakistan any taliban has claimed responsibility for a rocket and car bombing saturday at an airport that killed at least 15 people. here at home pleasant hill police just released a sketch of a suspected phone thief. take a look.
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investigators say the suspect is an african american man between 25-30 years old and 6'2" tall. now police say that there have been several cell phone thefts recently. their phone was stolen while they were distracted. others say the thief would ask to use their phone but never gave it back. your local post office will be very busy today as you know christmas eve is one week from today. coming up at 5:55 why the postal service says their busiest day will be even busier than last year. san francisco 49ers are playoff bound after a big win in new england. first the niners had to hold off the patriots that made a 28 point comeback in the second half. they tied the game at 31 with just about seven minutes left. 49ers regain their lead on the next possession with collin's 38-yard touchdown pass to michael crabtree. the 49ers win 41-34. they will win the nfc west if
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they beat seattle on sunday. meantime the oakland raiders snapped a six-game losing streak. they bet the chiefs 16-0 yesterday. no touchdowns were scored. the raiders won with five field goals from sebastian. that was a home finale for oakland. they finish up the season visiting carolina and then san diego. and the san francisco bulls head to san jose tonight to help cheer up hockey -- they are the minor league hockey team. they will play at hp pavilion. more than 17,000 free tickets were given out. the plan is to give shark fans a little hockey fix and give nearby businesses a boost in traffic because they have really suffered during this lockout. time 5:48. i know sal gave both the 49ers and raiders a pep talk. it came through. >> it did. it's nice to have both area
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teams. >> i know you are focusing -- while you grab your microphone there i know sal is covering the roads which are very slippery out there. >> my mic fell. i'm going to have to do it the old fashion way. northbound on 101 at the matilda avenue off ramp. there is a crash. doesn't look like there is an injury crash. also this morning we are looking at the commute on interstate 880 north and southbound. the traffic here is looking pretty good. no major problems but again dave and pam we've been talking about the wet weather. steve and i will be doing expanded traffic. expanded weather and traffic coverage because of this rain that is moving through. bay bridge still not a big delay but definitely wet weather getting into san francisco. and now at 5:49 here is steve. sal, thank you. a very good morning.
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you ready for an active week? it starts today. it's very mild. this would probably be the warmest day of the week. and the cold air. colder than what we had last week. today it's a light rain. it's a mild pattern. we have a southeast wind. temperatures in the 50s. vallejo, benicia, crockett back over to novato. a lot of this is not too heavy over to the east bay as well. radar doesn't pick up all this. it's so low level it really is hard press to pick it all up. it does as you get closer to the radar site. that would be santa cruz mountains. it has been picking up there a lot. you can see right there highway 17 up to highway 9. there is light rain all over. 50s on the temps due to that howling southeast wind that came in last night. seems to be dying down a little bit but it's still there. morning rain. that gives way to partly sunny, partly cloudy skies. warm today. starting to cool down tuesday.
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getting really cold tuesday night into wednesday morning. highs today 50s and 60s. i mean just because of that southeast wind a lot of these high temps may be set before noon. after that cooler air comes in. colder and windy on tuesday. really cold wednesday morning. then everything sets up off the coast. looks like rain moves in thursday. a little bit of a break friday. and then not much. napa nursery suffering from a shortage that could hurt the region's world famous wineries. grape growers need to replant much of their vineyards. the best are european but that makes them susceptible to local pests and diseases. prevent that growers graph the european plants on to roots of north plants but right now nurseries cannot meet the demand for root stock for 2013. they are only able to take orders for 2014 and beyond. pepsi changing how it sweeten its drinks. the company will now use two
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artificial sweeteners mixed together. it's commonly found in newer indict sodas -- diet sodas. my name is bill baggens. >> the hobbit set a record for movie opening in december. the 3d adaptation of the first novel in the fantasy series pulled in nearly $85 million. that was more than ten-times as rise of the guardians the second place movie. lincoln, skiffle, and life of -- sky fall and life of pi round out the top five. a crash on the moon. what will happen today with two of nasa's space probes own the reason why. a $50,000 reward to solve a bay area murder mystery that has a ktvu news connection. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible.
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good morning. rain light rain continues. kind of a steady rain. very mild. temperatures in the mid 50s. we'll have morning rain. breezy to windy day. time now 5:55. there is a $50,000 reward offered for information 14 years after an east bay man was killed in berkeley by a hit and run driver.
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37-year-old rick devecchi was walking here in front of the family owned trucking company when a driver intentionally ran him down. now the car described as a late model '70s or '80s light colored cadillac that had a dark top. long-time ktvu photo journalist randy. if you are heading to the post office today expect long lines. this is likely to be its busiest day of the year. workers anticipate seeing 655 million packages, letters, and cards. that is up nearly 20% from last year. experts say the improving economy makes people feel more comfortable spending more on the holidays and that boosts the number of cards they spend. two nasa space probes are expected to land their yearlong mission after crashing into the moon. they are called ebb and flow. how about that. they have been circling the
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moon. they have been mapping the lunar surface. the moon's crust is a lot more thinner and more beat up and battered than imagined. the earth once had two moons that smashed into each other and became the single moon that we look up at today. >> very interesting. coming up on 6:00. we just join -- if you're just joining us sal has an update on that crash. >> that is right. northbound 101 at the matilda off ramp. this crash has two left lanes blocked. it's the only trouble spot we have right now. but it's pretty significant one. on the sunol grade traffic does look good. let's go back to the desk. 5:57. we have developing news from san francisco. we just found out about a home invasion not far from the san francisco zoo. live reports coming up. for bay area students it's
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the first day back at school since the mass shooting in connecticut. what some plan to do today to honor the victims. some rain falling but what about for the afternoon hours and tomorrow? things continuing or changing? we'll have that coming up.


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